Welcome to the website for the village of Bruisyard in Suffolk

Bruisyard is a small rural village with a population of about 150 set in beautiful and tranquil countryside by the River Alde in East Suffolk. The village is noted for the beautiful Grade 1 listed church of St Peter's which has a round tower that is believed to date from Saxon times, and for Bruisyard Hall which was the Abbey of the Order of the Poor Clares until the reformation when an Elizabethan Manor House was built on the site. Bruisyard is also known as the setting for the novel 'Joseph and His Brethren' by H.W.Freeman first published in 1928.
Bruisyard is listed as 'Buresiart' in the Domesday Book completed in 1086.
We very much hope you enjoy visiting this site - and find the time to visit this beautiful village. To see a map of the village showing the footpaths, download Bruisyard map.