Welcome to the website for the village of Bruisyard in Suffolk
Alde Community Council
The ACC was formed in 1968 to serve the three villages of Rendham, Sweffling and Bruisyard as a coordinating organisation to support local voluntary groups. Under the terms of our constitution, we help to provide recreational & educational amenities, and also to relieve distress and sickness. The Charity is run by a voluntary committee ( the trustees) comprising residents from the three villages and representatives from local organisations ( the WI., the village halls management committee, sports & recreational groups etc. Over the past few years we have given support to projects such as the Bruisyard Parish Park, the Sweffling Parish Plan, the Rendham Village Hall Refurbishment fund and many others. Our role has changed over the years, as these days far more money is available from all kinds of funding bodies (like the Big Lottery) but this has not diminished our role. Nowadays the key to obtaining large scale funding is usually by demonstrating support for your project at the local level - a modest donation from the ACC is therefore well regarded by funding authorities. Sometimes worthwhile community projects do not fulfil the lengthy criteria of the funding bodies, or there is a more immediate need to subsidise an activity, which will not wait until the next financial revue; this is where ACC can help quickly at the local level. The money is raised for these projects has always been raised by a combination of member's subscriptions and by fundraising events. We are not allowed to accumulate funds and must make regular distributions.